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![]() Ki Blast: Ki Blast are the most powerfull source of attack like KameHameHa,FinalFlash,SpiritBomb,Galick Ho,Big Bang Attack,Kaokan, those kind of attacks.
Normal Attacks: Normal Attacks are simular to punch,kick,Dynamite Kick,Rolling Satan Punch, Dynamite Punch.
To Learn an attack it takes up to 10 hrs, BUT if you cant stay on that long just pause the time and come back the next day. If you dont do your learning the next day it will be canceled.
Akumaitokosen - A special energy wave designed to quickly kill the oponent. This attack only works on peole that do not have a comletely pure hear. This attack digs into the person and makes the heart explode. However this attack will not affect people with pure hearts.
Bakuhatsuha - The user raises two fingers and by doing this the groud can completely get destroyed and also so can the groud around the opponent.
Bakurikimaha - A very powerful Ki attack while on hand shoots the other hand grips the shotting hand so it stays stable and for support.
Ki Barrier - This move is completely defensive it surrounds the user with a ki shield so he cannot get hit by attacks. This attack has two forms. Circle or sphere of ki that surrounds the users body, and the other when the user gets completely coated with ki. Kinda like a wet suit.
Big Bang Attack - Created by Vegeta and his signature attack. This attack is a huge ki blast with incredible strength. The user takes his flat palm and puts it forward and towards his enemy and launches the blast. Vegeta atepted to use this attack to kill Cell but was unsuccessful.
Body Change - This attack is used by the Captain Ginyu and was used only once on Goku. Captain Ginyu spreads his arms and legs out, yells the word "Change!" and then shoots out a blast of energy, and if it hits its opponent, Captain Ginyu changes bodies with that person. Captain Ginyu then gains everything from his target except the targets special attacks or ki. After the body change, Captain Ginyu can still do anoter Body Change. The first thing the beam touches is what Captain Ginyu will change into, so if someone gets in the way of the beam, Captain Ginyu will change bodies with that person or thing instead. Bulma once through a frog in the way of Captain Ginyu's beam and he was changed into a frog forever.
Bukujutsu - Also known as no air. This attack is the ability to fly using ki.
Burning Attack - A powerful ki blast shot using both hands. It is done by holding both hands in front of you, while doing strange arm gestures, then put both hands infront of you again, the index fingers and thumbs should be touching. Then fire the blast.
Chou Kame Hame Ha - In english it is the Ultimate Kamehameha. It was first used when battled Piccolo in volume 16.
Chobakuretsumaha - Done when the user charges energy between the palms of his hands and in front of his chest, he then releases the energy in a huge blast.
Chonoryoku - A very interesting attack. It is done when both of the users hands, or a single hand are put forward which can manipulate the body movements of his opponent to a level. This attack will not work if the opponent is to powerful.
Crusher Ball - Jeice's signature attack. The Crusher Ball is a ball of ki that comes from the palm of the hand.
Daichiretsuzan - The user swipes his hand and with two fingers extended, it creates an invisible blast that goes a very far distance.
Death Ball - One of Frieza's signature attacks. We first saw Freiza doing this. It is a small ball of ki which can be created from both the tip of the finger and with both hands.
Dodonpa - One of Chiaotuz's signature attacks. It is a blast of ki shot from one finger, which will explode upon impact.
Double Tsuihikidan - This attack fires a Kamehameha-like blast from both hands. The blasts can be guided towards the enemy. Kind of like heat seaking missles.
Dynamite Kick - This technique is a charging powerful physical kick.
Energy Kyushu - Created by Androids 19 and 20 ( Dr. Gero). This technique absorbs any energy, from both people's bodies and their energy blasts. This blast is done through the holes in the palms of the androids hands.
Eraser Cannon - Recoom's signture attack. This attack is a large and powerful ki blast fired from the users mouth, and can destroy a very large area from the point where it hits.
Eye Beam - This technique is an attack where the user shoots a beam out of each of his eyes.
Frieza Beam - One of Frieza's signature attacks. It is a beam shot from the finger. This attack was used to kill Vegeta
Fusenko - This attack is used to merge or join two people into a single person or being and give the fused person a very large power boost. Fusion can be done two seperate ways, using Portara earrings. To fuse using the potara earings the users each put on an earing and they are fused and the other way is by doing the special fusion dance. Anyone can do the Fusion technique, but you have the same power as whoever you fuse with. But almost anyone can change they're power level higher or lower so the power level diference isn't a major factor. Another thing you must have in order to fuse with someone is that you must learn the correct pose and form. It's easy to make a mistake while fusing and fuse into something far weaker or deformed. An example of screwing up a fusion is when Goten and Trunks screwed up they're fusion and became Fat Gotenks. Depending on the form of fusion you use the fusion may last for only 30 minutes or forever.
Galick-Ho - To do this the user draws in his breath while falling, then puffing yourself up thus slowing your fall.
Gekitotsu Buu Buu Volleyball - Is a ring of ki energy that only Gotenks can control to manipulate the size of the diameter of the Donut. The Donut ring can be used to surround the enemy and trap him by holding his arms and legs with the Donut. Kinda like a rope.
Genki Dama - In english is the Spirit Bomb. You power up the blast like the Kamehameha by taking all the life energy around you from everything like the trees and planets etc., but when you release the huge energy ball, your hands are both palm-forward. This attack was taught to Goku by King Kai when Goku was training with King Kai for preperation for Nappa and Vegeta's arival on earth.
Genocide Attack - A number of Ki blasts shot into the air, which seek their targets upon being fired. Kinda like a heat seaking missle. Buu used this on all the humans on the earth and killed them all.
Guruguru Gum - The user spits up a weird sticky substance at his opponent. The Gum-like substance then wraps around the victim, preventing him from moving. Kinda like a rope.
Haikyuken - The user treats his opponent like a volleyball and hit them around like a volleyball player does to his volleyball.
Hankokubikkurisho - The user shoots a Ki blast forward using both hands and traps his victim in a shocking field of energy where the
opponent cannot escape. Kinda like a net.
Haretsu no Maho - A magic spell that makes people or things explode.
Hasshuken - The user moves his arms fast enough so there are eight. The opponent doesn't know what to do because there are eigh arms and you attack your opponent with the eight arms all at once.
Hell's Flash - The user fires a powerful blast from the cannons under his wrists.
Honoo - The user breaths fire.
Jan-Ken Punch - Used by Goku it is a Japanese game identical to the english game "Rock, Paper, Scissors." Goku then has three different types of Jan-Ken Punches to hit his opponent with.
Kaioken Attack - One of Goku's signature attacks. This is apower increasing move. When Goku uses this attack, he fires up and gains a large boost to his speed and power. Goku can also use multiplied power to his Kaioken, like Kaioken time 3. This attack was taught to Goku by King Kai when he was training with him for the arrival of Vegeta and Nappa. All thought King Kai created this attack he cannot control it nor use it.
Kakusandan - This attack shoots a blast from each hand. Then the user controls the blasts so that they merge and go above the heads of the enemies. The attack then upon splits into many smaller Ki bolts which rain down upon the enemies.
Kakusanyudokodan - Fires many Ki balls around the opponent, surrounding them, then the user controls the balls so they all shoot toward their target victim.
Kamehameha - Goku and the Dragonball/Dragonball Z, and Dragonball Gt's signature attack. It is a Ki blast, which to start is charged up to the side of the user in hist cupped hands, then brought forward to release a large blast of energy.
Kiai - This attack is used by yelling really loud which lowers weaker Ki attacks.
Kiaiho - An invisible force technique that knocks the opponent back. It is shot by either an open palm or from the eyes. Like the force in Star Wars.
Kienzan - In english is the Destructo Disc. This attack is Krillin's signature attack. It is a flat, disc-shaped Ki blast, which can be used to slice through its target with deadly accuracy. Krillin used this on Nappa but Vegeta told Nappa to back off right at the last second because Nappa was goint to try and block it but if he did it would have sliced right through him.
Kikoho - To do this the user puts the tips of your fingers of both hands together, forming kind of an "O" between his fingers and his thumbs. Then the user shoots a very powerful Ki blast through the "O" at the opponent.
Kikou Ha - Everyone that can shoot Ki can do this. It is just a basic ki blast.
Ki No Tsurugi - Is a Ki beam that extends the users arm and can be used as a sword which chops a dices the victims. Piccolo once used this.
Koshoku - A technique that lets the user eat light.
Kyodaika - A technique that grows your body to a huge size, making the range and strength of your physical attacks much more effective.
Kyoken - The user acts like an angry dog, barking and charging at your enemy to scare him. The user then jumps over his opponent and kicks him in the back from behind.
Mafuba - Is a swirling and twisting blast of ki shot at the intended demon. Once caught in the blast, the blast is directed into a jar, bottle, or other imprisonment container, therefore trapping the demon. However, if the container is opened, whoever is trapped inside will be unleeshed.
Makankosappo - In english is known as the Beam Cannon. This is Piccolo's signature attack. Piccolo used this attack on Radditz when Goku was holding onto Radditz so they both couldn't move and Piccolo shot the beam killing Radditz and Goku who sacraficed his life. It is a penatrating blast shot from two fingers. It is actually two blasts, one going straight ahead and the other coiling around the first for drilling power. This attack is charged by holding the two fingers on the forehead and charging all the users energy into the tips of the two fingers. This attack drills through everything it hits, and eventually blows up when it hits something big enough.
Makosen - This attack gathers Ki into both of your arms, then fires a blast from each one rapidly one after the other.
Masenko - Gohan's signature attack. Like a kamehameha except it powers up a blast above your head with both of your hands, one palm behind the other, then you move your hands down in front of you to fire the blast.
Mystic Attack - This attack happens by using the Namek ability to extend their arms, Nameks extend their arm at the enemy from a distance, catching the enemy off guard.
Papparapar - Is a magic spell used by Bibidi to transport people into his spaceship.
Rogafufuken - The user Prepares himself in a special stance, attacks with many "claw-like" physical attacks, and finishes the opponent off with a double-fisted "claw-punch."
Rolling Satan Punch - Made by Mr. Satan. Mr. Satan rolls on the ground then punches his opponent.
Renzoku Shine - This technique is the Renzoku Energy Dan technique only adopted by Gotenks.
Recoom Kick - Recoom charges and knees the opponent
Recoom Mahha Attack - Recoom charges and punches the opponent.
Saiko No Kogeki - A ki blast is fired from the mouth of the user.
Saimin Nno Jutsu Used - This technique hypnotizes the opponent and affects the opponents mind.
Saruken - This technique is used to distract or avoid the opponent.
Satan Special Ultra Super Megaton Punch - A normal punch used by Mr. Satan
Sekikatsuba - Dabura's attack where he spits and whatever his spit hits it turns that thing into stone.
Shishin No Ken - Made by Piccolo, this technique splits a person into four different clones. Each clone created is not just an image like that created with the Zanzoken, but can do everything the real version of the clone can. The only problem with the Shishin No Ken attack is that each clone has only has one quarter of the power and the speed than the original copy.
Shiyoken - An extra set of arms grows out of the users shoulders.
Shogekiha - The user shoots and invisible beam either from the hand or from the eyes.
Shunkanido - In english is Instantanious Movement. The user searches for a ki level that he wants to go to and he imeadiatly transports there. Starting in the Anroid saga Goku uses this a lot.
Sokidan - A round Ki ball shot from the palm of the hand.
Suiken - The user brings the opponent off guard by acting drunk and wobbling around and when the opponent is off guard the user hits him.
Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack - Created by Gotenks. Gotenks spits out a ghostly copy of himself which has a mind of its own and whenever the copy runs into something it explodes.
Taiyoken - In english is the Solar Flare technique. This is Tiens signature move. The user puts his pointer fingers and thumbs together and creates a blinding flash of light that blinds and stuns his opponent.
Tenkubekejiken - The user jumps in the air and then falls down with his arms in a crisscross or x form then he runs into the opponents arm in the same position.
Time Freeze - Guldo's signature attack. Guldo holds his breath and time stops and time won't start again until Guldo can't hold his breath again and exhales.
Tsuihidan - Is a ki blast that tracks its enemy.
Udebunrikogeki - The user pulls a peice of his body off and uses it to attack his opponent.
Yoikominminken - Using strange hand and voice motions the user puts his oponent into a deep sleep.
Yokaieki - An attack used by the Saibamen they split their heads in half and shoot out a stream of acid.
Zanzoken - The user attacks so fast that he leaves an after image and the opponent gets confused which oponent is which and then the real user can attack the confused opponent and catch him off guard
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